Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jungle Adventure - Part Two

After lunch, is rapid shooting.....09062008160 Our boat, please be warned that you will be totally wet. So camera and electronic devices better keep in water proof bags.09062008163 09062008169 09062008189

Not much photos as we are wet and my water proof bag fails. At the  Orang Asli or Aboriginal Settlement. We were shown how to make darts for blow pipe and fire (the nature way).09062008208 09062008190090620081910906200820309062008199 0906200821209062008204

10th June

The river cruise is similar to rapid shooting but calmer river.CIMG1649 IMG_7622 CIMG1650 CIMG1651 CIMG1667 IMG_7629 IMG_7656

IMG_7657 IMG_7669 CIMG1679 IMG_7675See if you can spot the leech. IMG_7682 Checking for leeches.

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