Thursday, March 26, 2009

PMP – Process Cue on the Project Management Processes

1.  Need to remember: I P E C C

  1. Then the knowledge area (KA):


  1. Which KA into which group


I only


All KA


No triple constraint and risk

Monitoring and Controlling

All KA


I Pro

4. Not the processes for each group


I Start with Charter then preliminary scope


I then develop management plan

And SCOPE out the plan, define it and create WBS

In TIME, activity will be define, sequence and estimate (resource and duration) then need to develop the schedule

Now need money, so  estimate and budget the COST

The rest is just planning for QUALITY, HR and COMMUNICATION

Too much planning is RISKy, so manage and identify then analysis (Quality and Quantity), follow by plan to response to risk.

And finally, plan on PROCUREMENT and contract.


To execute, I must direct and manage

Ensure QUALITY assurance

And must  get HR to acquire project team and must develop the team

Now that the project started COMMUNICATION must be distributed

Finally to PROCURE, need seller to response and then select the right seller.


I must monitor and control the project by integrate change control

To make sure the SCOPE is verify

Also need to control the SCOPE, SCHEDULE, COST and QUALITY

Must  manage HR

Also need to COMMUNICATE by reporting and manage stakeholder

There also RISK to monitor and control

Since this is a PROCURE solution, must also administrate the contract


I finally close the project

And inform PROCUREMENT department to close the contract

5. As for the Inputs  --> Tools and Techniques --> Outputs

Inputs & Outputs: are some form of reports, statements, documents

Tools and Techniques: are system, process to prepare reports, statement or documents

Sunday, March 15, 2009

WD Elements – 320 GB

I got this WD Elements 320GB Portable Hard disk from IT shows at Suntec. Not much to review as there are plenty of reviews in the net.

It comes with 3 years warranty.

PMP – Study group

I finally completed my PMP classes and decided to setup a PMP study group at Google Group to talk, discuss, etc about PMP. Those interested can go to

Thank you.

Samsung Omnia (DZIA5) – Part two

Well is almost one week of using and here is the second part of the review:


The GPS can detect the satellite almost immediately (about 3 to 5 second) . After checking at the setting:

clip_image001 clip_image002

The XTRA setting?? My little guess work…  Omnia will download the satellite data from the Internet (as said in the setting) :) The most important fact to know it that it works and can detect the signal extremely fast as compare to when I first have the phone (almost a year ago).

I tried going for a drive with the “Enhanced GPS” disabled and after 10 minutes of drive still unable to fix onto any signal. When I turn on the enhanced mode, the signal almost immediately lock on. This is good if you turn on the geo-tagging in the camera more (more on that later….)

The problems with un-assisted GPS in jungle (real or concrete) is that there too many obstructions, such as in urban environment, the satellite signals bounce off buildings which confuse the receiver and prevents lock and error in timing measurement. The assisted mode, Omnia will download the latest satellite information about the conditions in the vicinity of the phone allowing better time measurements and more accurate positioning as well as higher signal to noise ratios.

For more information, please refer to:

Back to other new features of DZIA5:

Volume control


The new volume control is like those manual fan speed control. you turn the dial to volume level you wanted. Cool.

Game: Asphalt 4


This is a car racing game and you control the car by turn your Omnia or in short your Omnia is your steering wheel of the car. You can also use the touch screen mode, that is touch left edge of Omnia to turn left and to turn right, touch on the right edge.


The other reason why the new ROM is larger than the previous version is that it include some movies and songs (it formatted your storage to put in all the new software, movies and songs).

The movies and songs are:


The Tutorial basically gives you a simple guide/tour on how to use your OMNIA. The other software is called Share pix.


It helps you to upload you photos to Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, etc.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Samsung Omnia (DZIA5) – Part One

I have been studying PMP for at least the last 4 weeks, so I need a break and back to my favorite pass time – that is, upgrading my phone ROM :D

Samsung Omnia i900 latest ROM update is DZIA5. I think I notice is that the file size is getting bigger. The last few ROM size is 109MB but this new ROM is 225MB. Wonder what they put inside. One thing for sure, each time I upgrade my ROM, the usable ROM getting smaller :(


Hmmm…… what was added into the new ROM? So the usual stuff. Backup my data and get all my most needed software ready. The phone is charged to 100% and I am ready to go.

Before I upgrade, I snapshot my old information:

clip_image002 clip_image004

Launch the program and follow the steps on your computer.  Hmmm… there a a few more steps/files this time. The last time if my memory still served me correctly, it only upgrade about 3 to 4 files. But this time is 6 files and takes about 15 minutes and another 3 to 4 minutes for rebooting and restarting.

And after restarting, I snapshot it before I reinstall all my favorite program:


I put back all my software and data, total time about 30 minutes. So let’s explore what is news in this release.

NOTICE or WARNING: All the previous versions of upgrades didn’t touch the storage, memory which means whatever folders/files you had before the upgrade in the 8GB/16GB would remain after the upgrade.  But the new version WIPES OUT all the files in the STORAGE MEMORY. Therefore REMEMBER to make a BACK UP of the files you have in storage memory before you proceed with the upgrade. Don’t said I did not warn you!

The first thing I notice is that there are new gadget for the widget:


- It has a setting icon, which allows you to choose the shortcuts you want to see in the widget bar, so that you can disable the icons you don’t frequently use.


- The widget also includes several new icons like stock ticker, Yahoo, Google search, weather etc.


So far so good. back to the main menu and more one-touch menu options (inside Favorite Settings)


Well that’s all for today. I will try out all the application over the weekend and report it in Part Two of my new ROM upgrade. Have a nice weekend.