Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Saga Begins (more like headaches began)

I pledged for Dungeon Saga ( in 2014. After many moons of waiting, I finally received the email on my parcel will be delivered before Christmas of 2015. Unfortunately, I have moved to Shanghai since March 2015.

The China customs on importing games are hard to understand and my parcel was rejected and sent back to Mantic. Thanks to Rich and Zak, they manage to repackage it to smaller parcels and sent to me. But the main parcel (as in other countries, is now known as Parcel B with a big Made In China) reached Shanghai on February 15, 2016.

Both myself and my son are very happy as we can finally begin our adventure. However, China Customs has another adventure for me. The parcel is again refused by Customs as the net purchase price is above RMB 1,000 (about USD 150), which my invoice stating about USD 393 that amount to about RMB 2,600. Here goes the Customs rejecting my parcel from importing. After numerous appeals and face-to-face meeting with Customs, my parcel was agreed to be released on March 14th.

We are extremely happy to receive the parcel and after checking the contains, we found some missing items which we reported to Mantic.

So what next, we plan to catalog all the miniatures that we received and will began our Dungeon Saga adventure….

Here are the previews of what coming….