Saturday, June 27, 2015

Journey Begins

I sorted out all the items and looking at the miniatures before painting. The miniatures are extremely details.

The group photo

JWoD 070

JWoD 005

JWoD 033

JWoD 034JWoD 010

Size comparison

JWoD 062JWoD 060

JWoD 061JWoD 064JWoD 067JWoD 065JWoD 066

The good guys

JWoD 071


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Journey: Wrath of Demon

I pledged in the Journey: Wrath of Demon project because I like the models and the theme of the project. The project was very well communicated and we been informed at every stage of the project. In the last project update (June 22nd), the creator informed that the core box will be shipped soon.

To my surprise, on 24th June I received my set and here the simple unboxing:

2015-06-24 19.54.33

Is a big box and very well package to protect the box.

2015-06-24 19.57.23 2015-06-24 19.57.51

Another layer of protection. Finally, the box

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How big is the set? Is big and I compare it with standard miniature box set:

2015-06-24 20.00.422015-06-24 20.00.13

The box is beautifully designed and the inside was another surprise (even after I watched the unboxing video by Marrow Production). The moment you open the box, you knew the efforts, time and love put in to create such a beautiful game.

2015-06-24 20.01.342015-06-24 20.01.462015-06-24 20.01.532015-06-24 20.02.012015-06-24 20.03.00

The miniatures and other contents

This is one of the best miniatures even on plastic. I will truly going to enjoy painting and playing it. Can’t wait for the resin miniatures to arrive. Is like Christmas in June Open-mouthed smile

Finally, I like to thank the guys in Marrow Production to produce such beautiful miniatures and game.